GainingEdge Global Report on Leveraging Intellectual Capital of Convention Destinations

By Milos Milovanovic
Head of GainingEdge Analysis & Research (GEAR)

The world has faced serious challenges that have dramatically changed the business and social environment in recent years. The global pandemic has affected economic performance in every corner
of the world and after an initial phase of adjustment there is a need to speed up recovery. In the meantme, new challenges have emerged to disrupt the global supply chains, raising questons about
key sources of growth and economic development in the world. Natural and energy resources, labour availability and influence on global markets, media and social networks (and soft power), financial
superiority in the monetary system are treated as resources in global competition.

This white paper is published in International Journal of Business Events and Legacies, Volume: 1 Issue: 1.

Click here to download the white paper.

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