Legacy and Impact Study

In a three-year study spanning from 2022 to 2025, Destination Canada aims to analyze the long-term benefits of events hosted in the country. This initiative focuses on measuring the outcomes and impacts of these events, particularly in terms of their legacy. While many cities are already engaged in legacy initiatives at a local level, this… Continue reading Legacy and Impact Study


Drawing Delegates Back On-site

Mike Williams shares how face to face meetings can be made more inclusive, meaningful, engaging and sustainable.


Destination Competitive Index 2022-2023

This groundbreaking report, now in its fifth year, provides a comprehensive analysis of meeting destinations worldwide, offering insights into their competitiveness, strengths, and areas for improvement.

GainingEdge Global Report on Leveraging Intellectual Capital of Convention Destinations

By Milos MilovanovicHead of GainingEdge Analysis & Research (GEAR) The world has faced serious challenges that have dramatically changed the business and social environment in recent years. The global pandemic has affected economic performance in every cornerof the world and after an initial phase of adjustment there is a need to speed up recovery. In… Continue reading GainingEdge Global Report on Leveraging Intellectual Capital of Convention Destinations

New Legacy Insights for Associations and Host Communities

GainingEdge together with MeetDenmark, the Danish Business Events Association, we have been researching, testing, and developing legacy in #Denmark over the past six years. Today, we are excited to present our report that gathers many of these insights and learnings.


The Unbroken Spirit Runs Deep in Lviv: Together in Peace and Unbroken in War

Jane Vong Holmes relates how Ukraine’s indefatigable spirit among its business events community has keep morale up and the horizon optimistic. Challenges are transformed into solutions amidst war’s impact. Humanitarian hubs, charitable initiatives, and innovation mark their response. See page 20-23, and the UNBROKEN advertisement by Lviv Convention Bureau on page 53 in Meetings International… Continue reading The Unbroken Spirit Runs Deep in Lviv: Together in Peace and Unbroken in War
