GainingEdge’s Pick 5: Five News Items You Need to Know

This is not a Pick 5 bet in horse racing but a selection of five business events news which caught our team’s attention. Paul, Jon and Steve are all based in Vancouver.

This Pick 5 issue focuses on recent news making the rounds with two prominent organizations in North America. Destinations International is based in the U.S. and is a leader in this continent in providing education, advocacy, and business opportunities. Destination Canada Business Events focuses on the strategic value of Canada as a business events destination, while always keeping an eye on global trends. We are also pleased to be working with them on the world’s largest legacy impact project.

The following articles caught our attention as they have relevance both from a domestic and international perspective. Given the global nature of our industry, it is necessary to know what is going on at home as well as abroad. The articles below reflect perspectives from such experts as the AIPC, ICCA, UFI, PCMA, HeadQuarters Magazine, and Digital Edge. Additionally, we recognize the importance of leisure travel and tourism for DMOs and CVBs in the North American market and have included an article below from Expedia on the outlook for 2022.

Happy reading!

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Business Events are the Fast Track to Recovery

The G3 says that Business Events are needed now more than ever for one essential reason – to put economies and societies on a fast track towards recovery post Covid-19.


The International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC), the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) and the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) launched a new policy White Paper supporting Business Events recovery called: Business Events are the Fast Track to Recovery. Kai Hattendorf, UFI CEO, sums it up succinctly: “Industries need B2B meetings as much as governments need G2G meetings. These aren’t mass events. They’re all about businesspeople gathering to get business done.”


PCMA Convene COVID-19 Survey reveal more deliberate plans for in-person and hybrid events

The February Recovery Dashboard reveals more optimism.
PCMA reported 56 percent of planners described themselves as hopeful in February (link to: February Dashboard compared to 49 percent in the December Dashboard; and 58 percent of suppliers expressed optimism in this survey, up 15 percentage points from December. Nearly half will be holding an in-person-only event in 2022; 35 percent digital only; and 41 percent hybrid, down from 46 percent who selected hybrid in December.

36 percent of planners expect an up-to-50-percent decline in registration numbers at their 2022 events compared to their pre-COVID events and more than one-third said they are unable to estimate registration numbers. One planner said the challenge in this fluid environment is ensuring hard-cost expenses like F&B minimums and AV “without really knowing what attendance turnout will be.”


Social Legacies and Impacts for the Meetings Industry

The time is ripe for a new advocacy of social legacies and impacts for the meetings industry, says HQ Magazine.
In the latest edition of Headquarters, Meeting Media Group explores the legacies of events and the long-term intellectual, social, and economic impact they can have on a destination. “We see a major reversal in the importance that congresses can have for society. Whereas conferences used to be an important source of prestige and income, we are now seeing a shift towards more intrinsic values,” said Marcel A.M. Vissers, Editor-in-Chief. Read more


Key Trends Affecting the Meetings Industry

The writing is on the wall – Change, Sustainability and Collaboration.
This content was presented at the Destinations International Convention Sales and Services Summit which focused on the trends and changes affecting the meetings industry and destination sales. The key trends are:
• The Only Constant is Change
• Sustainability is Getting Stronger
• Collaboration Fosters Innovation

Read more


Trends and Best Practices to Inform Your Destination Marketing Strategy

After living in the pandemic for two years, relaxation and decompression will be top of mind.
With borders reopening and people eager to travel again, Expedia Marketing Group conducted a survey of 5500 people and provided the following summary of their findings on the outlook for tourism in 2022. The results reveal potential for ongoing recovery driven by strong interest in leisure travel. A few interesting best practices are included. Read more


Where to Meet GainingEdge (May – July 2022):

IT&CM China (virtual)

IMEX Frankfurt

Gary Grimmer, Jane Vong Holmes, Bruce Redor, Milos Milovanovic, Alessandra Delmonte, Stevie Carey, Chloe Menhinick
For Guadalajara CVB: Helen Crompton, Molly Doheny
For BestCities Global Alliance: Lesley Williams, Tia Daniels
For China National Convention Centre phase 2 (CNCC-II): Rod Kamleshwaran

This is not a Pick 5 bet in horse racing but a selection of five business events news which caught our team’s attention. Paul, Jon and Steve are all based in Vancouver.
