Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re-Opening Business Events

Cover of "Good Practice Guidance September 2020: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re-Opening Business Events, Version 2" with logos of AIPC, ICCA, and UFI. Large red arrow on the right.

Version 2

AIPC, the International Association of Convention Centres; ICCA, the International Convention and Congress Association; and UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, have joined forces to release Good Practice Guide: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re-Opening Business Events – Version 2.

The Guide, focused on the reopening for phase, builds on the first report published in May and includes 12 mini case-studies and learnings from business events which successfully too place during July and August 2020 around the world.

Source: Edited excerpt from TTG MICE and MeetExpo