Strategic Visioning Project – Visit Iguassu

In 2019, GainingEdge completed a two-part project for Iguassu, Brazil. The first part was a strategic review that rethinks future aspirations for the destination and its leading organizations, providing a strategic direction to navigate this ‘map of the future’. The second part was the development of a strategic plan for the CVB. —– Iguassu, Brazil

Industry and Competitive Research and Recommendations – Asociación Convention & Visitors Bureaus Latam & El Caribe

GainingEdge conducted a pro bono project to determine ways to improve industry professionalism in the region by identifying gaps and opportunities in quality, relevancy and availability of programs and services. This project was part of GainingEdge’s Scholar Program. In 2014, GainingEdge  also did a pro bono project for the LATAM Association to help destinations overcome… Continue reading Industry and Competitive Research and Recommendations – Asociación Convention & Visitors Bureaus Latam & El Caribe

Market Analysis and Benchmarking Study – Destination DC

GainingEdge was appointed to undertake a market analysis and benchmarking study to determine Destination DC’s competitive strengths and weaknesses in the international market. The study provided detailed insights into the international resources and market activities of competitive cities in Asia Pacific, USA, Canada and Europe. —- Washington, DC, USA

Bid and Leads Development – Destination DC

GainingEdge was engaged to identify 50 new potential ambassadors aimed at growing bid opportunities for the international convention market for Washington DC. In addition, GainingEdge provided lead development support to proactively identify and leverage bid opportunities for the city to host international association meetings.  —- Washington, DC, USA

Destination Masterplan – Destination Ann Arbor 

GainingEdge was engaged to complete a destination master plan for Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County. Through analysis and stakeholder engagement, the plan recommended a series of steps to be pursued to elevate the products and services to benefit the visitor economy in the county. —– Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Destination Plan – Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau

GainingEdge helped develop a destination master plan for Greater Birmingham. The project identified key infrastructure and service enhancements, including the expansion of the convention venue in the downtown area, as well as improvements to the regional visitor experience. —– Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Organisational Review – Vancouver Hotel Destination Association

In 2016, GainingEdge conducted an organisational review for Sport Hosting Vancouver, which included advising on an operating model that was beneficial to enabling the ability of Sport Hosting Vancouver’s partnership to deliver on its mission. —– Vancouver, Canada

Strategic Business Plan – Tourism Langley

GainingEdge was engaged to complete a strategic business plan for Tourism Langley. The project included extensive stakeholder consultation, producing a 5-year plan that included goals, objectives, and budget.  —– Langley, Canada

Strategy Development – Destination Vancouver

Destination Vancouver engaged GainingEdge to conduct a major strategic review on the destination’s future direction and outcomes to grow its conventions and tourism business.  The overall purpose of Rethink Vancouver was to establish a strategic framework for how destination marketing should be funded, planned and delivered for the next ten years. —– Vancouver, Canada