Bid Workshop – Penang Convention Exhibition Bureau

In 2019, GainingEdge conducted a 1.5 day, highly interactive bid workshop customized for Penang’s business events suppliers and PCEB’s sales staff. This training was followed by a Legacy Clinic with 2 Malaysian host associations to introduce the broader value that conventions bring to Penang. —– Penang, Malaysia

Market Study – Tourism New Zealand

Tourism New Zealand appointed GainingEdge to conduct a market study to identify the business potentials of the Chinese association and corporate market. The study identified market opportunities and provided recommendations on Tourism New Zealand’s market approach.

MICE Event Support Study – Korean Tourism Organization

GainingEdge was appointed to undertake a competitive study on business event support programmes across Asia Pacific, Europe and North America, as part of a review process for KTO’s existing programme. The study provided recommendations on the structure, content, packaging and the assessment criteria of event support.

Event Review and Business Development – Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau

GainingEdge was appointed to review the current status and direction of Thailand’s festivals and events industry to provide a strategic roadmap for the development and promotion of the industry. GainingEdge also planned and managed a series of business development missions for TCEB and Thailand’s events and festivals key stakeholders to Australia and Europe to gain… Continue reading Event Review and Business Development – Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau

MICE Capabilities Development, Brand Development and Benchmarking – Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau

GainingEdge was engaged to develop the best model for establishing stronger MICE capabilities in these designated MICE cities: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Khon Kaen. The study addressed key issues related to the development of domestic and international market capabilities. As part of the review, structural and funding model recommendations were made to build local… Continue reading MICE Capabilities Development, Brand Development and Benchmarking – Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau

MICE Strategic Plan – Tourism Fiji

GainingEdge was engaged to prepare the business events strategic plan for Fiji, providing an assessment of Fiji’s potential and its strategic approach to the market. GainingEdge was later appointed to advise and assist with the strategic plan implementation.